Maya Gal-birman, MSc
Bar Ilan University

Speaker Bio
Maya is a clinical social worker with a master's degree from Tel-Hai College, Israel. As a therapist, she specialize in guiding integration processes and preparing individuals for psychedelic journeys.
Her research is based on the premise that the therapist's experience, and skills required are different from those in classical psychotherapy.
Through her research, Maya highlights the value of experiential knowledge and collects it into a framed theorization. This is her first year presenting at ICPR, where she is showcasing the initial findings of her research at Bar-Ilan University.
ICPR 2024 Abstract
Therapists role in psychedelic therapy
Theoretical Background and Rationale: there is only scarce research on the role and experience of therapists in psychedelic assisted therapy. Although there are speculations in the literature regarding the positive influence of therapists’ skills on clinical outcomes, these speculations are rarely based on qualitative research that looks into the experiential knowledge of psychedelic therapists.
Research Question and Hypothesis: This study explores the following questions: what are the perspectives of therapists, participating in the experimental framework of MAPS, which utilizes MDMA for trauma treatment, regarding their experiences as therapists? What are their perspectives regarding the therapeutic principles and skills? We hypothesize that the therapist's experience is unique and distinct from classical psychotherapy, with its own unique characteristics.
Methods and Analysis: We utilized a qualitive descriptive phenomenological methodology. The sample consisted of therapists specializing in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, treating patients diagnosed with PTSD (N=12) using the MAPS treatment protocol. Data collection was based on semi-structured interviews, followed by a systematic phenomenological analysis.
Main Findings: research participants described three main categories: a) the unique set of skills needed to facilitate MDMA assisted therapy b) the necessary learning process one needs to undergo in order to be able to facilitate MDMA assisted therapy, and c) the necessary personal attunement needed in order to be able to join clients in a state of altered consciousness.
Conclusion: Psychedelic therapists have unique experiential knowledge that should be further explored in order to improve treatment outcomes and develop criteria for the identification of qualified and capable therapists.